IN reply to David Tinkler’s letter (HAS, Oct 25) about ticket prices for West Auckland’s home match against Darlington FC.

I have followed local nonleague football, especially the Northern League, for the past 20 years.

I and a few of my fellow followers out of princple will not attend a Darlington home fixture due to the admission charges.

The Northern League has always been well supported long before Darlington became members.

For them to come along and put admission charges above what the rest of the league have charged, and to say that West Auckland think they are something special, I suggest Mr Tinkler takes a good long look at the football club he claims to support.

He should ask why do Darlington fans pay above what the rest of the league pay to see their team play.

I also ask how he missed the reports in The Northern Echo on the trouble at Dunston UTS vs Darlington (Echo, Oct 11) when a considerable amount of damage was caused by Darlington supporters and also why was the kick-off delayed when Quakers played Billingham Town (Echo, Oct 8) I, like many supporters of nonleague football, would like to think The Northern Echo will give other teams in the Northern League the same amount of space – and not just when Darlington are in town.

Stanley Williamson, Cassop, Durham.