LAST November I went to Durham County Hall to oppose the out-of-town shopping centre planned for St Helen Auckland.

It went ahead even though the planners said it would do harm to the Bishop Auckland town centre. It was my first taste of what goes on in councils so I was naive to think we had a chance of winning.

After reading your article, “Out-of-town shopping fulfils firm’s pledges” (Echo, Oct 24), I already know what is going to happen.

The last paragraph quoted West Auckland County Councillor Rob Yorke: “I am looking forward to both its opening and to the next phase of its development.” This is even before the county council meeting to make a decision either way about the next phase.

No doubt the champagne will already be on ice and the glasses waiting outside the doors for the county councillors to celebrate, as they did on the initial phase last year.

On the same day, the proposed plan for the retail development at the old bus station in the town is to be voted on, but that is not mentioned in the newspaper. It looks as though these same councillors will quietly vote against that proposal.

Where are the county councillors who should be looking after the town’s interest?

Christine Atkinson, Bishop Auckland.