IT has been with increasing disquiet and disappointment that I have read the letters of “Concerned senior member of Blackwell Golf Club” (HAS, Oct 22) and “Hacked Off of Stressholme Golf Club” (HAS, Oct 24).

To me, both seemed inflammatory, hostile and not fully cognizant of all facts.

The words “gamble, take over and merger” are all unimportant to the reality that two clubs in close proximity cannot survive with the dwindling numbers now playing golf. Only other clubs will benefit from our internal destruction. If, therefore, only one club in this area can continue to exist there is need for immediate action. No one yet has proposed a better solution than that on the table.

Perhaps a moderate voice may help. The letters do not provide any plans or proposals. There will be many problems which both clubs will face, but vilifying each other’s club, as the two members have done, is totally unacceptable.

If these two members, whose letters are anonymous, have no constructive alternative plan to offer, then I suggest our two fine golf clubs disregard their comments and vote for one club to the benefit of all .

Joan Hennessy, Blackwell Grange Golf Club, Darlington.