YOUR front page report on minimum alcohol pricing supported by a letter from doctors (Echo, Oct 25), points out many of the problems caused by excessive alcohol consumption in the region.

The issue with minimum pricing is that it is yet another price increase that those on low incomes have to face: the price of a few cans goes up but a magnum of champagne stays the same.

If an increase in the price of alcohol is a solution then make it fair. The person who drinks lager should not be targeted more than the one who sips champagne.

Liam Carr, Medomsley, Consett.

IT would be interesting to know that if a minimum price per unit of alcohol is set at a fixed figure, will the basic rate of whatever benefit or allowance an alcoholic is on rise to cover it?

Yet again it is workers, who like a couple of drinks in the house on a weekend to relax and who can’t afford a night at the pub, who will bear the brunt of this stealth tax.

J Dixon, Spennymoor.

DOCTORS drink – not every one of them, so should they all be forced onto water just because some of them abuse alcohol?

If someone wants alcohol, no matter what it costs they will steal to get it.

This country is full of whiners who want to sue councils for tripping over a paving slab or for kids falling out of a tree, all of which is down to common sense: look where you are going, don’t climb trees.

Alcoholics are a minority.

Many are caused because the Government is destroying our lives and country. If doctors treat the Government, a lot of ailments will disapear, especially stress, alcohol abuse and suicide.

Sheila Carrick, Newton Aycliffe.