Dear Prime Minister,

WE don’t need to tell you that alcohol misuse is having a devastating impact on the health of our communities.

A significant proportion of patients who visit our surgeries is experiencing poor health as a result of drinking too much, too often. It’s clear that cheap supermarket alcohol is a key culprit, particularly among the younger and heavier drinkers that we see.

We therefore welcome the Government’s commitment to introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol.

However, we must ensure that it is set at an appropriate level to help protect our patients by pricing cheap, strong alcohol out of the hands of the vulnerable.

Through experience, we know that helping people understand the risks is alone often ineffective when trying to change behaviour and encourage healthier choices.

A minimum unit price of at least 50p will provide important support in reducing harm. We would also ask that the level is regularly monitored to ensure that beneficial impacts are not eroded over time.

To this end, we are calling upon the Government to set a minimum unit price of at least 50p.

Research indicates that after ten years, it will save 3,393 lives annually and reduce hospital admissions by 97,900.

Importantly, we also believe that the introduction of a minimum unit price of at least 50p will, over time, reduce demand on surgeries, freeing up appointment slots across the North-East and the rest of England.

To realise these benefits, moderate drinkers need only pay an extra 28p per week for their alcohol. We think that this is a small price to pay to save lives and improve health. We hope you feel the same.

Dr Alistair Blair, Chief Clinical Officer of NHS Northumberland clinical commissioning group (CCG), Dr Andrea Jones, Chair of Darlington CCG, Dr Stewart Findlay, Accountable Officer Designate of Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield CCG, Dr Kate Bidwell, Clinical Chair of North Durham CCG (designate), Amanda Hume, Chief Officer Designate, NHS South Tees CCG, Ali Wilson, Chief Officer Designate, NHS Hartlepool and Stockton CCG, Dr George Rae, Chairman BMA North East, Dr Margaret Bone, Dr Steve Turley, Dr Brigid Joughin, Dr Alison Richardson, Martin Bell, practice manager Dr V Blaylock, Dr Nicola Weaver, Dr John Jackson, Dr Louise Duncan