A GHOSTLY mist has descended over JobCentrePlus.

Spookyworld, a new theme park, is advertising for zombies and ghouls.

Are you haunted by the spectre of unemployment? Are you tired of downloading jobs that never existed or ones that existed in a previous life and have not yet been removed?

Then check out the latest ghost hunting jobs as agencies up and down the country are searching for dozens of “scare actors” and spooky extras.

With so many phantoms on the job boards these days it’s hard to take any of these positions seriously, but job seekers have been asked to apply for a range of work including paranormal investigators and even zombies to stage battles atthe Spookyworld theme park in Warrington, Cheshire.

Successful applicants will be expected to frequent overcrowded rooms, shuffle down grubby corridors and loiter in dimly lit basements.

Experience not essential as the Government’s job centres have provided these surroundings free of charge for years.

Advertised by agencies such as Spookyworld.co.uk, the Government says this proves jobs in Britain have not died out.

And for once they may be right – taking the career route of zombie can be a truly life changing experience.

Stephen Dixon, Redcar.