Saltburn celebrated its 150th anniversary last year. Long-time resident Michael Morrissey looks back at what more than 50 events did for the town’s community-spirit and asks what could other small towns marking an anniversary learn from Saltburn’s experience.

BEFROCKED and ringing her handbell, town crier Sharon Wilson did a shocked double-take when she saw a likeness of herself on a huge mosaic panel being unveiled. “My immediate thought was: ‘My goodness this is going to be there forever’,” she confesses.

The five mosaics are an eye-catching reminder of the town’s 150th anniversary celebrations last year. Undertaken by local artists Helen Gaunt and Derek Mosey, they tell the story of the town’s development as a popular seaside resort. “Everyone, residents and visitors, loves them,” says Sharon. “They are cheery and bright. They show the story of Saltburn from the arrival of the first steam train in 1861, our pier with a Victorian mum and her son walking along it through to the town centre buildings – and me.”

Sharon, who hopes to continue her town crier role in future, laughs then adds: “My likeness looks better than me.”

The mosaics are the most visual representation of the celebrations that everyone agrees were a major success.

Veronia Boland, a Saltburn Community and Arts Association committee member, is particularly happy the events became a focus for public participation. “It’s gone really well,” she says. “A lot of people have been involved.”

Councillor Stuart Smith, a former community police officer in the town, believes the celebrations strengthened an existing strong community spirit in the commuter-and-holiday town of 6,000 people.

Activities included a beer festival, beach spectacular drawing an estimated 10,000 people to the town in the summer, five formal heritage lectures and a town party involving 400 family members to mark Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding.

All of them were new additions to Saltburn’s annual calendar. In addition, several organisations, including the folk festival and WI, also added special “150 events” to their usual schedules. The business association was revived during the year and its 30 members are now working more closely together.

The success of the anniversary looks set to have a lasting cultural influence. Bob and Becky Mitchell, who run the Profile Lounge, are planning an arts fair in association with Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art in August.

The celebrations have provided a commercial boost, too. Lee Ingleby, who has run an estate agency in the area for 30 years, says: “The whole town has been lifted by the celebrations and publicity. Property-wise, we are bucking the trend. Saltburn has improved over the past five years and this is attracting a lot of potential house-buyers from the south and other parts of the country. All the publicity over the 150th anniversary has put Saltburn firmly on the map. We have no empty shops.

“House sales at the top end of the market are particularly strong. A Durham City businessman recently bought a group of semi-detached houses and flats to rent. He’s after growth of five to seven per cent.”

FISH and chip shop owner Glenn Pearson, who organised the beach spectacular, aims to secure sponsorship from large local firms for a repeat this year.

He’s even formed a Saltburn events’ committee dedicated to putting on largescale events.

“It will allow me to seek large-scale funding because of the considerable expense of putting on the Spectacular,” he explains.

Jackie Taylor, a community stalwart for more than 20 years, is pleased that the anniversary ended with two permanent features – the panels of mosaics and a replica of the original 1861 steam train engine – placed near the town’s entrance.

And the good work continues: “We’ve got one or two new recruits for work on the bandstand. They included a dad who put his new twins down as helpers for the future.”

New vicar the Reverend Adam Reed thinks there’s a “buzz about the town” and puts that down to the “good community spirit”. he should know. The Emmanuel church hall is used by several dozen community groups and is nearing the end of a major refurbishment costing more than £300,000.

What could other small towns learn from Saltburn’s 150th celebration year? Many places, such as Richmond, Darlington and Durham, have vast experience of running community events like Saltburn’s, but one strand might be of value to others.

When Philip Thomson, a community stalwart for more than 25 years and active borough councillor, formed a co-ordinating group in mid-2010, he suggested organisations’ representatives should “own” the events they suggested. Individuals, helped by volunteers among the group, ran activities such as a Northern Synthonia Chorus concert, a modest croquet match and literary, photographic and film events.

Mr Thomson undertook to raise nearly £10,000 for the mosaic panels and admits to struggling to bring in the last few thousand pounds. He is personally delivering 3,000 begging letters round the town. The deadline for contributions to be made at the library is January 31.

The 150th celebrations were publicised through the internet and local media.

Intrigued by what was going on, several national travel publications visited the town and, as a result of their publicity, helped boost hotel and bed-and-breakfast bookings.

A £2 booklet is just out and a DVD is being prepared. It’s been “a year to remember,” says the booklet’s writers.

Perhaps the final say should go to 73-yearold Mavis Golphin, from Newcastle, who was spending a fortnight in Saltburn.

In her view Saltburn doesn’t need to change – because it is pretty much perfect as it is. “I love the town,” she says, “because it hasn’t changed too much. I’ve been a regular visitor since my teens.”