SWITCH, being screened on ITV2 at 10pm tonight, follows a coven of four young witches who live together in Camden.

They often need to join forces to cast a spell, known as a switch, to make life a bit easier. Here the actresses reveal what it’s like playing modern witches.


SHE made her name in hard-hitting soap EastEnders but, since waving goodbye to Albert Square, the supernatural seems to be a running theme in Turner’s career, with post-Walford credits including Being Human, Bedlam and a live TV production of Frankenstein’s Wedding.

She plays Stella, a career girl who also happens to be a witch, and says: “I wasn’t a fan of the supernatural and then I did Being Human and I loved it.”

Her character represents the element earth and, as such, is a grounded type who is trying to climb the ladder in advertising, despite clashing with her fearsome boss, Janet.

Turner says: “Stella is the mother hen of her coven. She is the only one with a stable job, so she looks after the bills and makes sure the girls are all right.”

The show is as much about the friendship between the girls as it is about the magic, and Turner reports they clicked just as well in real life.

She said: “All four of us are completely different, but we all got on so well. Before you knew it, we were all eating pizza together every night.”


TOINTON, a familiar face to fans of The Inbetweeners, plays Hannah, a flighty type who loves travelling and struggles to hold down a job.

She said she and her alter ego, whose element is air, have more in common than their first names.

She said: “I would love to say I am not like her, but I am very disorganised. But I couldn’t go off for months on end like she does, because I love being at home.”

She has always found the subject of witches fascinating, and said: “My favourite book was the Worst Witch – I loved it.”

The rhyming spells were one of the trickiest things to recite. At one point, they taped the words to co-star Phoebe Fox’s forehead to help them remember.


AS physiotherapist Grace, Fox’s character is the most dedicated witch of the four.

The actress did the most thorough research into the subject, reading lots of blogs written by people who say they are witches. She hopes those who practise witchcraft in real life will enjoy the show, and said: “Witches are mainly portrayed as evil on TV, but for these people it is their religion and their life and they are not evil.”

The youngest of the group, Grace represents the element water and is a shy girl whose mother, Gloria, also a witch, can be rather dominating.

Fox found the ITV2 show a refreshing change from most television fare, and said: “I love the fact it is a female-heavy show. To get four leads and for them all to be girls is so rare. There are very few men in it, and I just love that.”


PLAYING a witch is a dream come true for the former EastEnders actress.

She said: “I wanted to be a witch when I was little. I had a witch book, but I couldn’t be bothered to read it so I never became one.”

In Switch, she is Jude, a “hedonistic, crazy, party animal and fashionista” who represents the fire element.

She said: “Jude is like the teenager of the house. She needs looking after and guidance, but if there is trouble, she is the one who would want to fight the battle.

“My boyfriend asks me how work is, but it doesn’t feel like work. My character runs around and swears and throws things about and it’s just fun.”

She puts the success of supernatural shows down to the appeal of escapism, and said: “Imagine being able to make someone fancy you.”