TO Granada Studios in Manchester for a Street party. Note the capital S.

That’s Street as in Coronation Street, the longest-running soap in the world (as verified by Guinness World Records).

The makers of the top-rated soap stopped filming for the afternoon to launch the ITV show’s 50th anniversary celebrations with hundreds of journalists mingling with the cast on the cobbles. The entire length of the street set was filled with tables laid out for eating, drinking and making merry. Stalls lined the street offering tea, ale, water and dandelion and burdock beverages. Sandwiches, bread and butter pudding, and limited edition 50th anniversary vanilla cupcakes were on the menu… ★…SO was a Rovers beef and vegetable hotpot in the Hollands pies selection (served with Mark Addy’s famous minted peas – presumably another Mark Addy, not Mark Addy the actor from York). Barmaid Betty, alias veteran performer Betty Driver was there, now 90, but still going strong despite a bad leg which meant she had to be pushed into the press conference in a wheelchair. But she was soon hobbling down the street with the help of a stick and holding court on a sofa placed outside Audrey’s hairdressers shop. She offered the most revealing quote of the day by saying she didn’t much like cooking. It won’t seem the same next time someone asks for Betty’s hotpot in the Rovers.

★KYM Marsh, Hear’Say singer turned actress, belted out a song during the party. It should have been On The Street Where I Live. Kirk, Andy Whyman, took to the makeshift stage for another number, followed by a rendering of I Got You Baby by Eddie and Anna Windass (Debbie Rush and Steve Huison) that was notable for its enthusiasm more than its tunefulness.

★HELEN Worth has married a succession of unfortunate men including a serial killer and an insurance fraudster during her 36 years on the street as Gail. But that’s not been her main worry. That’s been keeping her balance. Spare a thought, she says, for the poor actresses who have to totter over the cobbles in high heels. I’m surprised health and safety hasn’t stepped in. At the party Helen, who surprises with a very posh voice, was keeping off the cobbles and standing on a firmer paved area.

★AFTER collecting a plaque from Guinness World Records as the longest-serving soap actor – he’s been in Corrie since the very first episode 50 years ago – William Roache was to be seen striding along the street in dark glasses. Alas, my exclusive interview with him was restricted to a “I’m just going down there to say hello to a friend...”

before Ken Barlow disappeared into the throng of street partygoers.

★IT’S common knowledge that Bill Tarmey, after 31 years as Jack Duckworth, is leaving.

Confirmation that his character dies was shockingly revealed on a tour of the set. There on the sideboard next to an urn labelled Vera Duckworth was a wooden box with a plaque bearing the name Jack Duckworth. At least he’ll escape the Great Coronation Street Massacre when a tram crashes off the viaduct during anniversary week.

★HAVING chatted to Carla, Roy Cropper, Eileen Grimshaw, Graeme Proctor and the man who created the programme Tony Warren (who kindly gave me a local angle by telling me his cousin used to run a teashop in Barnard Castle), the time had come for the gifts. Those nice people in the Coronation Street press office (great party, Janice and your team) issued guests with an umbrella – although the gods smiled and the rain held off – and a big tote bag. We were told to fill up the bags with anniversary memorabilia from stalls stocking such things as books, beer mats, DVDS and bread. That’s right, bread. Guests at the Oscars get goody bags containing designer goods, guests at a Corries do get loaves of bread (Warburtons Toastie, if you want to know).

This was so we could use another gift, a 50th anniversary toast stamp. To use, simply press the stamp into a slice of bread, pop the bread in the toaster, and then watch the message appear once it has browned. There’s a choice of three messages: the Coronation Street logo, a Rovers Return logo and (my favourite) three flying ducks (as seen on Hilda Ogden’s wall).

★STILL with the soaps: Sue Jenkins, currently touring in The Vagina Monologues has been in no less than three of them – Coronation Street, Brookside and Emmerdale. She only needs EastEnders for a full set.