Move over Bake Off, there’s a sweet new show in town. Jeananne Craig meets confectioners and Sweets Made Simple hosts Kitty Hope and Mark Greenwood. Here is one of their recipes for you to try.


Makes 30 little meringues

1 medium egg white

50g caster sugar

Pink food colouring paste

50g white chocolate

½tsp rosehip syrup (available from

1-2tbsp crystallised rose petals

You will also need a piping bag and size 30 star nozzle


PREHEAT the oven to 110C. Line a large baking sheet with baking parchment. Fit the piping bag with the nozzle. Whisk the egg white in a clean grease-free bowl until as stiff as a stalk and it clings to the side of the bowl. It should be so steady that you can hold the bowl upside down and nothing will slip out.

Continue to whisk, adding the sugar a tablespoon at a time until it has dissolved.

Add a dot or two of pink food colouring paste to the bowl with a skewer. Fold very roughly into the meringue. Spoon into the piping bag.

Dot a little meringue on the back of each corner of the parchment and press down to secure. Pipe little meringues onto the parchment. Bake the meringues in the oven for an hour and 40 minutes until you can lift one easily from the parchment.

Then allow to cool.

Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Fold in the rosehip syrup. Roughly chop the rose petals in a food processor, or use a knife. Spread the base of each meringue with a little chocolate then dip in the chopped crystallised rose petals. Allow to set then serve.