MOST lovers would be more than happy to be given one of these delicious and beautiful bakes, served with nothing other than two spoons.


For the crust:

125g ginger biscuits

115g ground almonds

50g sugar

60g butter, melted

For the filling:

300g dark chocolate, chopped into small pieces

225ml whipping cream

3 medium eggs

50g sugar

1tbsp flour

100g flaked almonds


For the crust, heat the oven to 180C/Fan 160C/Gas Mark 4. In a food processor grind the ginger biscuits, ground almonds and sugar. Add the melted butter and combine well. Press the mixture onto the bottom and sides of a 23cm heart-shaped cake tin. Bake in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes and cool on a wire rack.

For the filling, combine the chopped chocolate and whipping cream in a saucepan. Whisk over a low heat until the chocolate is melted and smooth, then remove from heat. Whisk the eggs, sugar and flour in a bowl to blend. Very gradually whisk the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture until smooth and blended. Gently stir in 80g of the flaked almonds.

Pour the chocolate filling into the crust and sprinkle the remaining flaked almonds on top in a heart shape. Bake for 30 minutes, then transfer onto a cooling rack. Cool for one hour before serving, topped with strawberries.