Master chocolatier Christine Taylor is back, creating sweet treats for celebrities. Keeley Bolger reports

Makes about 20 palmiers


Plain flour, for rolling out the pastry

Ready-rolled puff pastry

50g milk chocolate

2tsp cinnamon, or other spices according to taste

2tsp caster sugar

Egg or milk to glaze


HEAT oven to 220C/200C fan/gas mark 6. Roll out the sheet of puff pastry on a well-floured surface until you have a rectangle about the thickness of a £1 coin. Grate the chocolate over it and add the cinnamon, or other spices, and the sugar.

With the short end facing you, roll one long side of the pastry like a Swiss roll from one side to the middle then repeat, rolling from the other side to the middle, so that you have two tight rolls that sit next to each other, joined. Brush with egg or milk.

If you have time, chill in the fridge for 20 minutes to make it easier to cut and then slice into 1cm slices and pull the ends out like a tulip. Place the slices flat on a baking sheet, well apart, and bake for ten minutes, or until golden brown. Allow to cool before eating.