WHILE he might be a superbly intelligent, bestselling author, Terry Pratchett overcomes new hurdles every day, because of his everprogressing Alzheimer’s disease.

However, he is not about to sit back and let the disease eat him up.

Eighteen years ago, the Discworld author made a life-changing trip to the jungles of Borneo, where he saw orangutans in the wild for the first time.

His diagnosis came five years ago, but now he returns to Borneo to find out what the future holds for the endangered species he once bonded with.

In Terry Pratchett: Facing Extinction he discovers a new threat to their habitat that may push them to the brink of extinction.

Dealing with his Alzheimer’s makes an otherwise-wonderful trip for Pratchett quite problematic. He is challenged both physically and mentally, as he considers human impact on the eradication of the planet’s species, and, inevitably, ponders his own mortality.