JUST look out, will you, because something very stupid and dangerous is about to be done in your name.

The 27 countries in the EU have all consistently refused to send armaments to the Syrian rebels – until now.

Last Friday, David Cameron and Francois Hollande failed to get the other 25 European states to agree to lift the arms embargo, so they said that Britain and France are considering doing so anyhow. Mr Cameron has thus broken his promise to the British people that our Government has no intention of arming the opponents of President Assad.

Why protest against his U-turn? We all know that the Syrian rebels are the good guys, don’t we? They are nobly fighting for freedom and democracy against Assad’s cruel tyranny.

Well, that’s what we hear every day from most of our newspapers and relentlessly from the BBC. But it’s not true. In Syria there are some young idealists trying with all their might to overthrow the Syrian regime. But their might is not very mighty. The true power belongs to Sunni Muslim fighters whose aim is to settle scores with Assad for his father’s massacre of 50,000 of their sect in Hama in February 1982.

Let me give credit where it’s due. Last week BBC Radio Four aired an excellent documentary discussion in which it was explained why our invasion of Iraq had been such a bad thing. Because, while it got rid of Saddam Hussein, it unleashed even more vicious forces in the form of the 1000-year-old murderous sectarian rivalry between Shia and Sunni Muslims. And if you think the Islamists hate the West, that’s nothing compared with the hatred they have among themselves. Over the last 40 years, terrorist atrocities throughout Asia and the Middle East have accounted for ten times as many Muslim deaths as those suffered by non-Muslims.

So we might reasonably ask: why doesn’t the BBC go in for joined-up thinking and, instead of its cloud cuckoo optimism about the consequences of Assad’s overthrow, warn that arming the Syrian rebels will only lead to a repeat of the carnage suffered by Iraq?

It’s at dangerous times like these that I recall some words of my dad. He was in the RAF during the Battle of Britain and at his knee I was accustomed to listen to his fulminations against the British government’s appeasement policy towards the Nazis all through the 1930s. I can hear him now: “And while Churchill was warning, our industrialists were selling scrap iron to Krupps who turned it into armaments to use against us.”

So it is with Syria today. The rebel forces waging war on Assad are a disunited rag bag guerrilla army comprising some of the most extreme and violent anti-western fanatics.

The most savage of these are the fanatical Sunni militia and assorted members of Salafist and Al Qaeda terrorist groups. These warring sects have declared already that they are preparing to fight it out among themselves once they have got rid of Assad.

And the first to be liquidated will, of course, be the small number of idealistic secularists seeking “democracy.” Democracy in the Middle East? Snowballs in hell leaps to mind.

As for Britain, are we really prepared to die from stupidity? Yes, Assad is a nasty piece of work but by arming his opponents we shall be aiding and supplying our sworn enemies – terrorists who have repeated again and again that they want only our destruction.

You know, dad, it’s much worse than sending scrap iron to Krupps.