MORNINGS are always frantic in our family as we rush to get to school and work on time. Is it true that this time of day is actually very dangerous for children?

KATRINA Phillips, chief executive of the Child Accident Prevention Trust, says: “You only have to think about the number of things going on in a typical household in the morning, and what those activities involve, to know that there are some very real dangers at this time of day.

“Hair straighteners and hot drinks are two of the obvious risks. Then there are blind cords, highchair straps and stair gates, which are much more likely to be left open and untied in the rush to get everyone ready and out the door.

“And, of course, the drive or walk to school becomes much more dangerous if done in a hurry.

“Your back may well be turned while you take a moment to do any one of these things, but that’s all it takes for a child to be badly scalded and scarred for life, or a curious toddler to get hold of cleaning products or pills and become accidentally poisoned.”