NEW figures later this week are expect to show the recession is finally over and Britain is creating jobs at a faster rate than the US.

At last, some good news for the Government for a change.

But all the talk at the moment is of a Government in crisis. The Tories have been stumbling for some time, but last week marked a new nadir in their fortunes.

The Prime Minister appeared to be making energy policy up as he went along, then the chief whip was forced to resign and, just hours later, the chancellor was seemingly caught fare-dodging in first class.

The Plebgate affair has damaged more than just Andrew Mitchell’s reputation.

It has left the Prime Minister looking like a weak leader running a Cabinet stuffed with out-of-touch elitist toffs.

Replacing Mr Mitchell with a Baronet has not helped, either. Sir George Young may be a safe pair of hands, but he hardly has the common touch.

Mr Cameron once boasted he had banished the Conservatives’ reputation as the “nasty party”. He needs to act quickly if he is not to see it replaced with the “toff’s party”.

Today, he will announce a crackdown on crime – always a favourite with the Tory faithful – and news on the economy should give George Osborne a fillip last this week.

In six months’ time Andrew Mitchell will have been forgotten.

Ultimately, it does not matter if the Government is run by toffs or plebs – so long as it is doing a good job.