BABIES need books. Not just for the stories or the fun of finding Spot or the comfort of being read to, but to get their little brains working properly.

Sticking them in front of a DVD doesn’t quite hack it. Though it might get you half an hour’s peace...

A 15-year study in the US proved that children who had books when they were four had better thinking and language skills as adults than those who didn’t have books until they were eight – and that difference is never made up.

What’s scary is that nearly every month there is yet another bit of research that shows how vital the first few years, or even months, of a person’s life are.

Whether it’s learning how to think, feel, share emotions, smile or read, it’s all laid down a lot earlier than we previously thought.

It’s why so many people with a rotten start remain permanently damaged. It’s why babies with love and attention reap the rewards all their lives.

And it’s why you should read a book with your toddlers – even though it means that by the time they’re 18 their language skills will be so good, they’ll be arguing black is white with you – and winning.