AS is usually the case when it comes to unemployment figures, there is a difference of opinion over the reality.

A study by The Prince’s Trust today concludes that long-term youth unemployment in the North-East and North Yorkshire has increased by alarming levels since the recession began in 2008.

In North Yorkshire, the increase is said to be 434 per cent, while the North-East has seen a rise of 384 per cent.

The Government’s Department for Work and Pensions has rejected the claims of a dramatic rise in long-term youth unemployment, saying the truth is masked by changes in the way benefits are claimed.

Whatever the real figure, there is a consensus that youth unemployment is a major challenge for this country, and this part of the world is faring as badly as anywhere.

There is a danger that young people will lose hope of finding a place on the career ladder – and the potential consequences of that hopelessness are enormous.

The Foundation For Jobs initiative, launched as a partnership between The Northern Echo, Darlington Borough Council and Darlington Partnership, is an attempt to improve the job prospects of local young people.

The foundation, which has the Bishop of Durham as its patron, has placed an emphasis on the creation of more apprenticeships, meaningful internships and links between employers and schools.

It is in all our interests to try to make inroads into the youth unemployment crisis and we hope other local communities will follow the proactive lead being taken in Darlington.