IT is already clear that 2014 – the centenary of the start of the First World War – will be a special year. And it is right that the planning starts now.

David Cameron announced yesterday that £50m has been allocated for a “historic” national commemoration and we applaud that early commitment.

The Prime Minister is right when he says it is our duty to honour the memory of those who served, to remember those who died, and to ensure that education is at the heart of the country’s year of remembrance.

In staging the Olympics and Paralympics, the best of Britain was displayed to the world. It brought people together, spread goodwill and inspired millions. The centenary of the Great War is another opportunity to do the same, with party politics cast to one side.

The inclusion of children in the planning is of huge importance and it is heartening that £5.3m is being given to schools to pay for trips to battlefields.

The idea of using young people on community projects to conserve and share First World War local heritage is another positive step.

It will all lead up to Remembrance Day in 2014 and that must be an extraspecial, national day when we go further than usual in remembering those who fought and died.

We are keen to hear ideas from Northern Echo readers about how the paper should play its part in commemorating such an important point in history.

Please write to the editor at The Northern Echo, Priestgate, Darlington, DL1 1NF, or email your thoughts to