IN the aftermath of the MPs’ expenses scandal, and at a time when millions of people are having to forego a pay rise, any politician accepting an increase of nearly £1,000 in their basic salary would be playing with fire.

With the outcome of the forthcoming General Election looking increasingly uncertain, Conservative leader David Cameron and Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg have followed Gordon Brown’s lead in turning down the 1.5 per cent increase recommended by the Senior Salaries Review Body.

The reality, of course, is that they could not have done anything else without costing themselves vital votes in the race for Number Ten.

Teesside MPs Vera Baird and Dari Taylor will also not accept the pay rise in view of the hardship facing thousands of Corus workers.

They are right to do so, though they too had no real option.

It will be some time yet before the damage caused by the expenses scandal is repaired.

Public confidence in Parliament has been shattered and giving up the pay rise is part of the rebuilding process.

Historic day

JUNE 23 will be a special day indeed for anyone interested in this region’s railway heritage.

It is wonderful news that two of the most famous locomotives in the world, Tornado and Mallard, are coming together on a historic journey up the East Coast Main Line from York to County Durham.

And the fact that Shildon will be at the centre of worldwide attention makes us question again why Darlington lacked the vision to become the home of the Locomotion museum.