THE internet is a wonderful invention that has transformed the world in many ways – but it has brought clear dangers with it.

Those dangers have again been starkly illustrated by the shocking events that are reported on our front page today.

Ashleigh Hall, a much-loved and talented 17-year-old girl from Darlington, has been found dead in a field at Sedgefield after an encounter with a man she met on the internet.

It is one of those tragedies that parents read about but never believe will happen to them. It is a distant danger – until it occurs close to home.

Today, we appeal to all parents to read Ashleigh’s story and redouble their efforts to monitor their children’s online activities.

That is easier said than done, of course, because there is a fine line to be drawn between parental concern and privacy.

Raising children has always been fraught with difficulties, but we live in an age when new hazards have been opened up by the worldwide web, and it is surely best to err on the side of caution.

That was the message put out yesterday by Detective Superintendent Andy Reddick, who is leading the murder investigation, and we underline his warning.

The tributes paid to Ashleigh from family, friends, her school and college show that she was a popular girl from a loving home.

Her family have done nothing that millions of other parents do every day – place trust in their children and hope they stay safe.

Our hearts go out to them.