LABOUR and its supporters are using the scandalous expenses claims to excuse their annihilation at the local election polls.

Are these the same supporters who pointed out that MPs from all sides had their snouts in the trough? I did not notice the Tories and Lib Dems do as badly.

Then again, the British Bias Corporation (BBC) has concluded the Tories have not done as well as they should have.

Well, it would, wouldn’t it?

As far back as May 2006 I stated that this Government was on the verge of being found out and that Gordon Brown would be the worst possible choice as Tony Blair’s successor as he could not win the next General Election.

I was, of course, correct, as the country, Labour backbenchers and ministers now agree.

Calling an election may yet be Mr Brown’s revenge. He knows P45s are imminent for most of his party’s ingrates; why should they enjoy full pay and perks under a new leader, he will think.

I would commend him for calling the election as I am doubtful of a leadership challenge – only the Tories do public bloodbaths on that scale.

I could be proved wrong.

Des More, Darlington.