IF the future for Darlington Football Club looked bleak at the start of the week, it looks even bleaker at the end of it.

The departure of Dave Penney leaves the club completely rudderless.

No one can blame Penney for moving to Oldham. Indeed he deserves great credit for holding team spirit together during a depressing time for the players. He has shown leadership and dignity and we wish him well.

But where does his departure leave the Quakers? It has become clear that former chairman George Houghton has lost all credibility with those who care most about Darlington Football Club – the supporters.

And now, the club risks losing the only credible saviour it appears to have, with Teesside businessman Raj Singh threatening to walk away following Penney’s resignation.

The time has come for Mr Houghton to accept that his reign at Darlington Football Club is over and that he is never going to get all his money back.

He can let the club go out of business but that will do no one any good – least of all himself.

Mr Singh has tabled an offer which will at least give Mr Houghton something to walk away with. It is an offer which demands that the football club is central to development plans for land on the site – and that is the only way forward for the Quakers.

No one is going to pour good money after bad into a League Two football club without a credible business plan worked out with the local council.

Raj Singh appears to offer the only solution. It is time for George Houghton to accept that with dignity – and leave Darlington Football Club with a future.