FOLLOWING the shenanigans at the Labour Party conference where the organisers decided to relegate the important contentious issue of discussing the withdrawal of the Winter Fuel Payment to the last day, as many of the attendees will have left, especially the government figures Starmer and co. 

Clearly they can’t face the music from their own brothers and sisters.

So, we now know we have a government that is not only behaving in an unaccountable manner in Parliament, but it also treats its own people with contempt. 

The other thing that struck me is how the Chancellor spoke about the working people, well what about the people who have worked, i.e. pensioners?

Clearly again pensioners are not being considered and this shows how inept the Labour government is by being contemptible towards people who have worked all their lives, so I pose the question do they treat everybody equally? 

Sadly, I don’t think they do. 

Twelve weeks in and they have shown how hypocritical and corrupt they are with no credibility or integrity. 

The speech by Starmer saying the criticism was essentially like water off a duck’s back is tantamount to sticking two fingers up to the electorate and he just laughs about it, it clearly demonstrates their contempt for the ordinary people of this country. 

Colin Telfer, Darlington.