LABOUR’S manifesto was, as expected, exceedingly cautious. There were no rabbits produced out of Keir Starmer’s hat, unlike Rishi Sunak on Tuesday who had massive giveaways of tax cuts to throw at the British people.

The Labour manifesto promises plenty of good things – 100,000 more nursery places, school breakfast clubs, more police officers, more dentists – but no more tax rises, although there does seem to be a little wriggle room on, say, council tax or capital gains tax should the need arise.

Labour’s prime objective in this campaign is not to scare any horses, just as Sir Keir’s plan in the leadership interviews is not to drop any clangers.

The manifesto does just that, leaving its critics to whip up a storm about VAT on private schools.

So in political terms it was a success. However, if all Labour’s additional spending is to be covered by economic growth, we have to hope that the economy suddenly bursts into life having been almost flatlining for the last 15 years. Without immediate growth, Labour will quickly come under pressure to increase spending to fulfil its commitments.

There is also doubt whether Labour’s cautious plans are going to be transformational enough to really change the nation – can more scanners really save our beloved NHS?

But perhaps it will come out alright as Sir Keir is looking like a lucky politician. Yes, he has changed the Labour Party but his immense poll lead is more about the failings of the Conservative Party, from partygate to D-Day. Sir Keir will be quite happy that the most talked about political story of the day is not his manifesto launch but the one about Mr Sunak’s close advisor who, three days before the surprise summer election was announced, put £100 on a July poll.

Conservative campaign managers must have their heads in their hands because the party keeps shooting itself in the foot.