MUCH is made of the demise of High Streets because of lack of footfall including Darlington.

It’s not surprising really.

Unexpectedly last Saturday afternoon my wife and I had cause to visit the Teesside Retail Park.

There’s no poverty there.

I couldn’t believe the amount of cars leaving the park as well as those entering at the same time as well as the hundreds and hundreds of cars already parked in the many car parks there - all free, of course.

Surely this would be a great opportunity to impose a £1 parking fee on all vehicles there - the takings could be ringfenced to support hospices in Teesside.

This compulsory charge should apply to all retail parks in the country as well as local stores across the country, Morrisons and Sainsburys to mention just two and the takings going to St Teresa’s Hospice in the Darlington area.

Depending on the takings at these places, perhaps it could also stretch towards increasing hourly rates of pay for staff in care homes and, if applicable, to professional community carers.

We all should remember we may never know when any one of us may have need to make use of them.

On leaving Teesside Park I noticed approximately 30 people waiting for a bus! I know it will never happen, but as Elvis Presley said in his memorable song ‘If I Can Dream’.

Mike Taylor, Darlington.