Dear Sharon,

THIS thing about poo bags as tree decoration must be a national phenomenon. I walk miles each day with my dogs, through countryside, and find them even in areas where there is no legal requirement to pick up the poo.

The lack of a couple of brain cells worth of logic is truly astounding, because the person has gone to the trouble of bagging the poo, but then leaves it hanging somewhere.

The breakdown rate of poo in a bag is going to be even slower than that left on the ground, and they have left not only the poo but also a nuisance plastic bag.

Laziness. Carry it with you for goodness sake, either to the nearest bin, or home . That’s what the rest of us do, every single day !

Geoff Carr (by email)

Dear Sharon,

DARLINGTON is disgusting for dog mess. People let their dogs do their business anywhere and if you dare say anything, all you get is a mouthful of abuse. It causes accidents and disease. If people got a proper punishment they might learn.

Linda Bainbridge (by email)

THANKS to Doreen Groom of Stockton for pointing out that in our photo of Mary Berry with Terry Wogan last week, the buttons on her jacket had not been fastened properly.

“But,” says Doreen, “as they were at a celebration for oldies I thought was quite excusable.”