ERIC PICKLES criticised the Environment Agency (Echo, Feb 10) and then, one day later, denies what he said and tries to spin his comments in completely the opposite direction. This beggars belief.

In my experience Mr Pickles is in no position to criticise anyone.

I first had cause to contact his Department for Communities and Local Government in May 2012, in respect of amendments to the Local Government Act 1972 made by parliament through the passing of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.

I received no response, so I contacted them again in June 2012.

By the beginning of August 2012, with still no response I wrote directly to Mr Pickles enclosing copies of all my previous efforts.

By the end of August I received a reply, but this addressed none of the points I had raised.

I received a further reply at the end of September 2012 which did address some of these, but what I found absolutely astounding was the statement “there are no plans at present to bring these changes into force”.

I think it is high time Mr Pickles attended to the affairs of his own department.

Tom Pattinson, Stanley.