IT was three months yesterday since three-year-old Danny Wake was hit by a vehicle and killed in a Darlington street. He had been into town to collect an Argos catalogue so he could choose his Christmas presents.

The fact that the driver has not yet been traced is a source of additional grief for Danny’s family, and huge frustration for those who are striving to solve the mystery.

We know from talking to senior police officers how determined they are to bring the case to a conclusion and, in our view, the inquiry has been handled with great care by Darlington police. The removal of the shrine of floral tributes, left in Danny’s memory, was a difficult and emotive task but it was managed gradually and with sensitivity.

It is important, however, that the case remains in the public spotlight until the investigation comes up with an answer, and one of the possibilities is that the person responsible is still unaware that they were involved.

Yesterday, it was announced that a reward of £3,000 is being offered by Crimestoppers for information which leads to a resolution. Money should not, of course, be the reason for someone coming forward in such tragic circumstances.

Nevertheless, it is a way of keeping the case in the news in the hope that someone may remember a vital clue to the mystery.

Our job as a local paper is to support the investigation and keep the case in the public consciousness. We, therefore, appeal to our readers to contact Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111 if they have any suspicions whatsoever about what may have happened.