LET’S face facts – we are most unlikely to have much to celebrate during the World Cup in Brazil.

But that doesn’t mean we won’t find ourselves dreaming of glory when the summer comes.

The beauty of sport is that it brings people together and the World Cup has the potential not only to provide an important economic boost but inspire community spirit.

We, therefore, welcome the Government’s change of heart in considering extensions to pub opening hours for England matches.

Many pubs are struggling to stay in business and they need all the help they can get to make ends meet. In that respect, the World Cup offers a lifeline.

The Home Office has previously pointed out that it is not a one-off event such as the Queen’s jubilee.

However, it is a momentous sporting celebration which comes round once every four years and it should be given special status.

In giving our support for a rethink, we recognise that longer opening hours pose potential challenges for police forces already trying to manage with stretched resources.

But, at least to begin with, we are only talking about the England versus Italy match which is due to kick off at 11pm on Saturday, June 14.

There may be further extensions if England progress. While that may be unlikely, wouldn’t it be a nice problem to have?

Football’s coming home? We’ll drink to that.