ALL too often, the pages of The Northern Echo feature warnings about loan sharks who prey on some of the most vulnerable members of society.

They lure desperate people into their trap and force them into a deeper and deeper financial hole by charging massive interest rates.

Earlier this year, we highlighted the shocking case of loan shark Paul Brown, known as “The Money Man”

of St Helen Auckland, who was ordered to repay more than £100,000 he had made by charging clients interest rates of up to 14,000 per cent.

Please note that is not a misprint – 14,000 per cent.

In the face of the threat posed by parasites like Brown, credit unions perform an invaluable service and one such organisation in our area is rapidly emerging as a glowing example.

In today’s paper we report how the Darlington Credit Union has been awarded a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. Four of the volunteers will this week travel to London to attend a garden party, hosted by The Queen, for the winners.

It is fitting recognition for those volunteers who have worked so hard since 2009 to merge four smaller credit unions and establish a service of growing importance.

Our congratulations go to all those involved with Darlington Credit Union and well done on a great achievement.

It is nice to see credit being given where credit is clearly due.