IT is exciting that the North-East should be leading the world in treating patients with a potentially revolutionary drug aimed at tackling all forms of cancer.

The first of 63 patients with different cancers have begun treatment with experimental drug AZD3965 at the Northern Institute of Cancer research at the Freeman Hospital, in Newcastle.

It is important to keep the trial in perspective. The drug has been successfully tested on animals and now we must pray that it can work with animals too.

But what today’s announcement certainly brings is hope for those who suffer from this terrible disease now and who will fall victim to it in the future.

This pioneering development in cancer care also again underlines the importance of the fundraising campaign launched by our beloved Sir Bobby Robson during his life and which continues with such vigour after his death.

The tests are taking place at the Sir Bobby Robson Cancer Trials Research Centre – one of the results of the great man’s foundation which has so far raised more than £5m.

We send everyone involved – the doctors, the patients, and the fundraisers – every good wish.

THE news of the cancer drugs trial in the North-East shares our front page today with the sad news that the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, is suffering from the disease.

Another great man, our thoughts are with him also.