ANNOUNCING to the world that his fifth diagnosis of cancer was terminal, Sir Bobby Robson said: “My condition is described as static and has not altered since my last bout of chemotherapy. I am going to die sooner rather than later. But then everyone has to go sometime and I have enjoyed every minute.”

It summed up the great man’s attitude and we think he would also have loved every minute of the positive response the world has continued to make to his cancer foundation since his death at the age of 76 in July 2009.

As our front page reports today, the foundation is celebrating another great milestone after smashing through the £5m barrier.

It is incredible to think that the original target when Sir Bobby was first asked to help was £500,000.

The money raised so far has clearly made a real difference: it has been used to buy pioneering equipment, fund expert training and make hospital facilities more comfortable for patients.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sir Bobby’s legacy is easing the pain of cancer victims, saving lives, and helping to protect future generations from this terrible disease.

The support for the foundation shows no sign of slowing down and we look forward to its invaluable work continuing for many years to come.

Sir Bobby was an inspiration during his life – and he remains an inspiration after his death.

We can imagine him smiling with pride and satisfaction at how much has been achieved.