THERE are controversies, complexities and different points of view – but Britain needs a clear energy policy.

Instead, we no longer really know which way the Government is blowing when it comes to onshore wind farms.

Conservative energy minister John Hayes has stirred up a real whirlwind by telling the Daily Mail that “enough is enough” and that turbine schemes should no longer be imposed on communities.

It seems Mr Hayes resorted to the Daily Mail when he was told by Lib Dem Energy Secretary Ed Davey that his views were not compatible with Government policy.

What a great way to run a Coalition – if it’s not allowed in a public speech, the newspapers can have it for a front page story instead.

This clearly amounts to a major split in the Coalition and it begs the question why David Cameron chose someone with known anti-wind farm views to serve as energy minister.

A furious Mr Davey was left to publicly rebuke Mr Hayes for stepping out of line and the Prime Minister had to inform MPs that there had been no change in Government policy.

What happens after 2020, when green energy targets are met, is anyone’s guess.

Will it be a case of “enough is enough” with regard to wind farms, or will we press on with more?

Mr Cameron says we need an allparty debate. He’s right – but he needs to make a start by clearing up the confusion within his own Government.