Details of a 470-home development on the outskirts of Durham City have been submitted to Durham County Council.

The Bent House development site is located on the eastern edge of Durham City and extends to approximately 17.15 hectares.

A design and access statement on behalf of the developers said: "The reserved application is for the development of a high-quality and inherently sustainable neighbourhood of 470 dwellings divided equally between each developer, Miller Homes and Barratt Homes, with 235 dwellings each.

The Bent House Lane site is situated towards the eastern margins of the wider built-up area of Durham and consists of a large, open arable field, bordered by hedgerows and trees.

The site is located adjacent to existing bungalows along Bent House Lane and then the wider largely two storey Sherburn Estate beyond.

The design team recognise that the style and architectural language of the proposed dwellings will be a key factor in determining the success of the Bent House Lane scheme.

A number of differing house type styles have been presented by both developers to provide an indication of character areas and dwelling styles favoured by the design team.

As part of a sustainable drainage plan, developers will use Sustainable Urban Drainage systems (SUDS), designed to mimic nature and manage rainfall close to where it falls. SUDs are designed to convey surface water and slow run-off before it enters the water course.

SUDS are environmentally beneficial, by efficiently and sustainably draining surface water, minimising pollution and its impact on the quality of local water bodies. SUDS provide an attractive habitat for wildlife in urban watercourses, creating better places to live.

The design and access statement concludes that it is a considerate development of 470 dwellings arranged as a direct response to the existing site constraints and opportunities of the development site.

A development which provides a generous amount of informal play space at the heart of the development.

The open green space becomes the focal point of development, giving easy orientation.

The scheme also provides for smaller areas of informal open space located within smaller development sections.

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