A SERIES of lunchtime concerts have been organised at Redcar’s new Tuned In centre.

The concerts feature young musicians from Europe and the Far East, playing popular classical music.

Centre manager Frances Golightly said: “We have an established programme for young audiences and we are now able to offer something to those who prefer the popular classics.”

The opening concert on Wednesday, October 9 features Ugnius Pauliukonis, a virtuoso pianist from Lithuania. His programme includes sonatas by Scarlatti, music by Rachmaninoff and a Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszt.

Concert organiser Peter Sotheran said: “We have deliberately selected the best of the current generation of young musicians in order to fit in with the young persons' image of the Tuned In centre.”

The concerts are held on the second Wednesday of each month in October, November and December and start at 1.30pm.

Tickets costing £5 are available from the Tuned In reception desk, the Tourist Information Office in Redcar High Street or can be bought at the door on the day.