A CHARITY has launched an appeal for volunteers to come in and host activity sessions for people affected by dementia.

Cleveland Alzheimer’s Residential Centre (Clevearc) has two specialist nursing services for people affected by the condition who live in the Stockton area and regularly offer a variety of activities for users.

Among the people taking place in the launch were the former Northern Echo columnist, Mike Amos talking about sporting memories and Michell Ball, the active aging officer from Beamish Museum who brought along a number of artefacts for people to handle and talk about.

Chief Executive Gayle Tweed explains: “Due to the nature of dementia and the way it affects people, holding formal activities sessions can prove difficult. However, it is important to offer people a wide range of activities to choose from which are delivered in a way that meets their needs and we are keen to extend the activities on offer.

“We are launching an appeal for volunteers to come into our services on a regular basis to hold activities sessions across a wide range of different topics and subjects, even if it is only for one hour a month. These would be informal, sometimes drop-in sessions which service users can enjoy for a few minutes, or longer, depending on their own individual needs.”

If anyone is interested in becoming an activities volunteer they should contact Clevearc on 01642-611110 or email info@clevearc.com