WHAT started out as a plan to host a small summer ball has turned into a massive fundraising event thanks the purchase of one evening dress.

Catherine Marshall picked up a bargain but didn’t have anywhere to wear it so decided to rope in her two friends, Nina Fryer and David Conway, to organise their own ball.

And as the idea began to grow and grow, they decided to turn it into a fundraising ball for Barnardos North East.

The group has managed to persuade the owners of Gisborough Hall to allow them to use the venue free of charge and has just teamed up with the Cleveland Centre in Middlesbrough to arrange free gifts and prizes.

Ms Fryer said: “Within the last two months, we have given every spare second, outside of working full time and each having young families to get to where we are now.

"We have no previous experience in planning such an event and are amazed at the success of ticket sales to date and are working hard to our target of raising £8,000.

“What started out as a simple plan soon spiraled into something altogether bigger and we decided to raise as much money for Barnardos as we can.”

Philip Taylor, vice president of Barnardos, said: "It's amazing to see three individuals pull together and devote so much time to raising funds for Barnardos. We are extremely proud of the work they are doing and very excited to be a part of the Summer Ball.”

Local businesses can still get involved in the event on Friday, August 16, at Gisiborough Hall, with sponsorship, auction prizes and donations.

More information is available at www.summerballfundraiser.wix.com/summer-ball