ROAD safety officers from the region’s police forces are this weekend launching a summer campaign to tackle drink-driving.

Staff from Cleveland and Durham Police’s joint specialist operations units are warning motorists that alcohol consumed the night before can still affect their ability to drive the following day.

The campaign, which is being launched on Saturday (June 1), will include random stop-checks of vehicles, breath testing of any driver committing a traffic offence or involved in a collision and of anyone suspected of drinking alcohol.

Suspected drug drivers will be dealt with by means of roadside testing and blood tests.

Officers will be handing out leaflets reminding drivers of the law and of the consequences of being convicted for drink-driving.

Inspector Ed Turner, of Durham Police’s road policing unit, said: “We work all year round to get the message across that drinking and driving don’t mix, but the summer months always present additional challenges.”

North Yorkshire Police are urging people to tip them off about drink or drug-drivers.

Officers have launched a new campaign encouraging people to "dob in a drink-driver" and "grass on a drug-driver".

Their message will appear on beer mats in pubs and bars throughout the county to remind people that one phone call can help to save lives.

Superintendent Dave Foster said: "Everybody knows that drink and drug driving is dangerous and accounts for the loss of numerous lives throughout the country every year."