NINE people arrested as part of an ongoing corruption investigation at the heart of Cleveland Police are to have their bail extended.

Seven men and two women are currently on police bail in connection with the Operation Sacristry investigation being conducted by Warwickshire Police.

All nine were due to answer bail this month or April but they have all been rebailed until September while investigations continue.

Warwickshire Police are also in discussions with the Crown Prosecution Service about an eventual prosecution although the files have not been submitted.

An Operation Sacristy spokesperson said: "The criminal investigation is well advanced and has reached a stage where we need to further consult the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) for advice on the evidence gathered during our extensive enquiries, before submitting a full file of evidence for their consideration.

"The CPS has indicated that it will require some time to consider the evidence gathered before they are able to provide further guidance to the investigative team.

"There have been extensive enquiries made over two years, but all the investigations, in respect of both criminal offences and professional misconduct matters have been conducted as quickly and as professionally as possible."