UNEMPLOYED young people on Teesside have got to work creating a safe haven for abused teenagers.

The 14 young people secured funding from UK Steel Enterprise after making an impressive Dragon’s Den-style presentation.

The 16 to 25-year-olds from the Middlesbrough area were taking part in The Prince’s Trust Team Programme run by Stockton Riverside College, designed to give them the skills and confidence to find a job.

Three in four young people supported by The Prince’s Trust move into work, education and training.

When the group was asked to find a community project to support as part of their 12-week programme, they chose the local Barnardo’s Bridgeway project where counsellors help children and families affected by sexual abuse and also support families with children and young people who care for a family member with illness or disabilities.

They asked UK Steel Enterprise for a Community Support Fund grant to help them refurbish a special room for teenagers at Barnardo’s and gave a presentation to Regional Manager Simon Hamilton about the project and their programme.

The result was £1,600 from the Tata Steel subsidiary to help pay for paint, storage units and furniture.

“The presentation is not an easy thing to do and I was extremely impressed,” said Simon Hamilton.

“The case they made out for funding was excellent and one student was brave enough to tell his personal story of an abused childhood which showed real courage. It demonstrates just how committed these unemployed young people are to helping others as well as to making a life for themselves.”