RESIDENTS have been issued with a 'use it or lose it' message over the future of a village bus service hit by dwindling passenger numbers.

Earlier this year, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council introduced a trial Saturday daytime bus service from Eston to Redcar, via Lazenby village.

The move came about after the withdrawal of the Arriva 71A service left Lazenby with no direct buses serving the community on a Saturday.

The trial was designed to ensure that residents could make the journey to Eston or Redcar without having to cross the busy A174.

But since its launch in August, the 760 bus has been carrying less than 20 passengers each day - with only a few getting on or off in Lazenby.

And with both Eston and Redcar already well covered by other services, the council bus could be withdrawn by the end of the year if it continues to prove unsustainable.

Councillor Helen McLuckie, cabinet member for highways, transportation and planning, said: "This service was launched as a trial and, as it stands, the low take-up by passengers means that we may not be able to carry on providing it.

"The service has been promoted in the local area and ward councillors have made every effort to raise awareness of it, but the passenger numbers continue to be poor.

"We are now giving it one final push to tell residents who want a Saturday bus service through Lazenby that they will have to either use or lose the service."