A FATHER and daughter have completed their two month cycling tour of Britain to raise awareness and funds to support adoption charities.

Stephen and Kirsty Medlock set off from the Transporter Bridge in Middlesbrough in August to circumnavigate the coast of Britain and after 4,000 miles they finished off their journey under the iconic bridge.

Mr Medlock’s wife, Cathy and Ms Medlock's father-in-law-to-be Harry Ho Fat (CORR), who accompanied the intrepid duo all the way in a camper van, were on Teesside to meet them at the finish.

Ms Medlock, who celebrated her 27th birthday during the trip, said: “It’s been an adventure of extremes - beautiful weather at Cape Wrath in Scotland and getting my first ever apology from a driver in 17 years of cycling, then the day when I came round a corner in Ramsgate to see my dad’s bike underneath an MPV.

“I’m just glad we’ve been able to tell more people about adoption charities like DFW in Durham and CCS in Bristol.”

Mr Medlock, who has had two heart attacks, said: “Although I cycle every day, my real fear was not being able to string two months of riding together but actually, as long as I kept to my own pace, it was better than I expected.”

Ms Medlock, who was born in Middlesbrough, will soon return to London, while her parents said they were looking forward to getting back home to Brompton on Swale, near Richmond, North Yorkshire.

Margaret Bell, director of the Durham-based charity DFW Adoption, said: “What Kirsty and Stephen have done is a phenomenal achievement and it was such an honour to be in Middlesbrough to greet them home.”

To find out more about becoming an adopter through a voluntary adoption agency visit www.dfw.org.uk