THE centenary of Middlesbrough Central Library is being celebrated during its local history month.

A series of weekly seminars is being held on Tuesday afternoons, focusing on the lives of those associated with the building, which opened in 1912. Visitors can also examine the poignant list of passengers and crew who sailed on the Titanic's ill-fatedmaiden voyage.

The venue's main 100th birthday celebrations take place on Tuesday, May 8, and will feature a re-enactment of the 1912 opening ceremony, in which staff members in Edwardian costume will take part in a civic procession from the Town Hall. On Friday, May 11, a walk will be held, uncovering Middlesbrough's lost libraries.

Librarian Jenny Parker said: "The Central Library is a very special part of Middlesbrough's history, and a much-loved building at the heart of the town centre.

"Much has changed around it over the years, but as it turns 100 this year, the building remains both an architectural gem and a resource of huge cultural and social value.

"On May 8, visitors will have a rare opportunity to be shown around the building by a librarian from 1912 and to find out what happens behind the scenes."