A CAMPAIGN is under way to clamp down on underage drinking in public places in Hartlepool.

The Safer Hartlepool Partnership is hoping to reduce anti-social behaviour within local communities.

Under the Policing and Crime Act 2009, anyone aged under 18 found in possession of alcohol three times in 12 months faces a fine of up to £500.

Police officers also have the power to move on anyone aged under ten who may cause a nuisance.

Sally Forth, Hartlepool Borough Council's social behaviour and housing manager, said: "Over the summer months we normally see an increase in underage drinking in public places and we are determined to stamp it out."

Warning letters will be issued and referrals will be made to the Youth Offending Service and Anti-Social Behaviour Unit before youngsters are prosecuted.

Chief Inspector Lynn Beeston, of Cleveland Police, said: "We are not prepared to tolerate underage drinking in public places."

Anyone wanting to report suspected underage drinking should call 01642-326326.