THE history of Middlesbrough will be revealed on two guided walks.

An eight-mile walk is being held tomorrow from the pavilion in Thorntree Park, following the Tees Link path up Spencer Beck to the Eston Hills, where archaeologist Steve Sherlock will guide ramblers around remains of ironstone mines.

Due to limited on-street parking, those planning to travel by car should meet at 10am in the Stewart Park car park for a minibus ride to Thorntree Park.

The strolls have been organised by the Middlesbrough Council's Boro Becks team, which works on initiatives to help improve the environment of the town's waterways.

On Thursday, May 26, the team will lead a five-mile circular walk to look at stories behind the parklands at Ormesby Hall and Stewart Park.

Walkers are asked to meet at 10am at the Southlands Centre, take food and drink and wear appropriate clothing.

To book or for more details, call the Boro Becks Team on 01642-515618 or email