SOCIAL networking websites are being used to spread the word about a sensitive subject.

NHS Tees is calling on people to use its Facebook and Twitter pages to talk about death during Dying Matters Awareness Week, which runs from Monday to May 22.

The awareness-raising five days will start with making a will on Monday, followed by funeral arrangements, planning future care and support, signing up as an organ donor and ensuring loved ones know about plans made.

Views can be aired on the Facebook page and Twitter@nhstees Information can also be found in the NHS Life Store in Middlesbrough's Life Store in The Mall shopping centre.

Andrew Stainer, commissioning manager for NHS Tees, said: "Talking about death doesn't make it occur any sooner, but it will happen to us all.

"The aim of Dying Matters Awareness Week is to encourage people of all ages to talk openly and frankly about the final taboo. We it will stimulate conversations."

For further information on Dying Matters, visit