COUNCIL staff who enforce parking regulations in Hartlepool have been equipped with mini video cameras.

The cameras, cost £600 each, are being used to help resolve disputes over tickets and to provide a degree of personal protection to the ten-strong team of civil enforcement officers who can face both verbal and physical threats.

The cameras can be worn on the ear, fixed to the side of a cap or attached to a lapel, and are linked to a belt-mounted recording unit.

Enforcement co-ordinator Mick Dunn said: "Sometimes we get people who have been issued with a ticket claiming that they were given permission to park by one of our officers and the cameras enable us to check whether that was the case by looking at the video evidence.

"The cameras will help us to resolve disputes much more quickly, saving the council time and money.

"Also, officers do at times receive abuse from drivers who may have been given a ticket or as they simply walk down the street and the camera footage will again be used as evidence where further action needs to be taken.

"Another benefit is that the cameras can be used to help identify the training needs of individual officers, ultimately leading to an improved service for members of the public."