A REVAMPED Tourist Information Centre is proving to be a hit with visitors and local artists.

Redcars TIC has moved onto the High Street, alongside a new thriving showcase for local artists and craftspeople.

The former greengrocers, now renamed, 'this is Redcar & cleveland', has been converted thanks to funding from the Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (LEGI).

Redcar and Cleveland Council's cabinet member for culture, leisure and tourism, Councillor Sheelagh Clarke said: "We're already convinced this has been a really successful move for everyone.

"The TIC continues to offer a full range of services, with information on places to stay, visit and eat, accommodation and how to make theatre bookings.

"In addition to the TIC, shoppers have been attracted by the exciting range of arts and crafts."

The artists have been given free rental until February, then a monthly commission-free rental is being introduced.

There is more room upstairs, now home to the Redcar Town Centre Management and a photographer's studio.

Visitors to the original TIC base on the Esplanade are being redirected, while the new-look TIC has kept its telephone number, 01642 471921, and e-mail address, Redcar_tic@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk. The new postal address is 24 High Street, Redcar, TS10 3DR.