MORE than 50 people turned out to march through a North-East town to highlight the need for change in criminal laws Barbara Dunne led the Walk for Justice through the streets of Middlesbrough town centre on Saturday.

The anti-knife campaigner lost her son, Robert, in a samurai sword attack six years ago. His killer is currently serving life.

Those who attended the march, which takes place annually, are battling to get tougher laws for many crimes, which include weapons, driving offences and murders.

Mrs Dunne said: "It was a very emotional time for everyone there. There were many people who are victims of crimes and a number of people just turned out in support.

"It is difficult for people as it reminds them of what has happened but we need to fight.

"I will continue to keep going. It is the only way we can keep highlighting the problem. We need to be heard as we haven’t had justice."